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Life Lately / April



Hello, May! Wow, time passes by so quickly. How come it’s May already? I’ve taken the photo above the other day when I got a chance again to bring the camera with me outside. When these plants started to grow in our backyard, it means Spring is already here. This week is really warm and I really hope it will be like this all the time. Although the weather in Finland is so unpredictable, I am praying that warm weather will always be here. I cannot wait for summer and sunny, long bright days to come. Next month is June. My favorite month of the year. Guess what, someone is getting older. :)

Making: plans for spring and summer. 
Cooking: I’ve made pancit last night and chicken soup. Making food isn’t my thing lately. (same entry in March. Funny how I made the same food two months later. hahDrinking:
Drinking: Lemon water. The weather is getting warmer here. And it’s nice to drink cold lemon water to refresh.
Reading: I’ve been trying to read my textbooks although I feel sleepy by doing so.
Traveling: to neighbouring towns. That’s all for now!
Wanting: to go  back to the gym and be active.
Looking: forward for the summer holidays.
Deciding: to be positive despite the bad things happened in life.
Wishing: I could travel to my home country right now!
Enjoying: my free time as much as I can.
Waiting: for the packages I’ve ordered online. More shoes coming! :)
Liking: the weather lately. Starting on Monday the weather became warmer and feels like spring is really here.
Wondering: what will gonna happen on my work and studies. How do I handle both working and parenting.
Listening: to this playlist whenever I am on the computer.
Buying: a new DSLR camera when savings is enough.
Watching: the Pretty Little Liars last episodes. I really love this show so much!
Hoping: everything will be fine!
Needing: some pampering time. A spa maybe?
Questioning: myself, Can I really do this? Answer: YES!! I can!
Smelling: a really nice perfume scent.
Thinking: too much about school and work.
Admiring: brave people who survive the pain and disappointments in life.
Getting: so strong and positive although deep inside I am really weak.
Bookmarking: new found travel blogs.
Disliking: how I feel bored even though I am busy at work.
Opening: my heart to new life’s opportunities. We don’t wait for tomorrow what we can do today.
Closing: the past both good and bad and just embrace the today and the future.
Feeling: happy about what is going on with my life right now. With God’s guidance I know I can do it!
Hearing: Rianna’s tiny voice singing
Celebrating: life and love everyday.
Pretending: to be strong even if I already want to give up.
Embracing: the life’s challenges. So hard to manage between work and being a parent.

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