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10 Things I’m Loving Lately



1. The weather this week is perfect. It’s 14’c and it’s really warm. In the weather forecast, this week’s weather is warm and then a little bit colder next week down to 7’c. Hopefully, it will stay warm though as summer approaches.

2. I love the early sunrise. I wake up 5:40 every morning and it is already so bright outside.

3. Rianna and I had adjusted our early morning routine. We go to the daycare just before 7 am.

4. Rianna’s hug and kisses before leaving her to daycare. She always says; I love you, mommy! I miss you, mommy! Then run inside to start playing. It makes me happy knowing that she is happy and enjoying her time there.

5. Riding a bicycle to work. Since the weather is nicer now (no more snow thankfully), it only takes me 15 minutes bike ride to work. I leave daycare at 7:05 and at work exactly 7:20. Also, so nice feeling to exercise my legs every morning.

6. I really love when Yanna is busy playing her ponies. She is talking with them and the conversations really funny and cute.

7. I have a work now which means I get salary too. I am trying to put a little money into my savings account and Yanna’s savings account every pay day. I put away savings first before paying the bills.

8. It’s warm now, so obviously no more thick winter clothes. I hide already all the winter clothes and shoes. So long winter. See you in a few months!

9. It’s leather jackets and sneakers weather. I’m loving it!

10. And lastly, I’m happy that I’m having a motivation to blog again. I’m trying to blog every day now this month. In April I took a break and only wrote I think only one blog post. In May, I would like to blog once a day. I hope I can cope up with it too. I will be busier as I already have school days starting this month. But blogging makes me happy, so I will continue doing this.

And there you go, 10 things I’m loving right now. How about yours?








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