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Spring Is Coming / #LittleLoves



It’s time again for the #littleloves entry. This week I wasn’t so busy like I always do. I work on Monday and then Tuesday I had a free day. I went back to work on Wednesday. It was my first day at work (full time, new contract) and I was in morning shift. I didn’t slept so well the night before as I always check the time and if I put the alarm correctly. It wasn’t quite hard to wake up at 5:40 in the morning, although my body got used to wake up at 7:30. It went well on my first day. On the second day, during the coffee break I went to check my phone only to receive a call from the daycare. Yanna has fever and I needed to pick her as soon as possible. So, yeah instead of working, I was home Thursday and Friday. Yanna is okay now but still having colds and cough. Anyway, snow are melting here which means Spring is coming!

So far this week I’ve been…


Reading new found blogs.


The last movie I’ve watched is called “By The Sea” starring Angelina Jolie. It was quite a boring movie. I was also bored and just put any movie I could watch. You understand the story after you watch the ending scenes. The location of the movie is amazing though!



This week I am inspired to make photo books. It takes a lot of time to do it, but I had the mood. First book I made was the first 24 months of Yanna when she was a baby. Then, I made travel photo books for our previous other country trips and, until today I almost finish making all what I want. I made them thru an ifolor app. It’s quick and easy to make, only that it takes time. Good thing is that I’ve documented all on my blog so I was only copying and pasting all the texts. I save time! Photo above are Yanna’s yearly birthday party photo books. Fourth year birthday is missing as we didn’t had any party during that time.



Wearing every day my Daisy by Marc Jacobs scent. Psst… how cute is my owl ring holder?


Ahh isn’t this song lovely? I couldn’t believe at first that it was Taylor Swift who’s singing. The voice and the style is different. I don’t wanna live forever ohh ohhh…. My Yanna is also singing this song. Funny to hear her singing this. :)



I’m so happy that my office is now complete finally. It was difficult at first where to put my office as I want to move the furnitures around the living room from time to time. It’s just me. Getting bored easily even with the home decors. I need to make sure that I’m completely happy where to hang the shelves since I cannot move it anymore. Now my office is complete and I love it! Exactly what i want.

Linking up with #LittleLoves.  This summarises what I’ve done during the week. A good way to document my busy week.


  1. I love this song! I’m so behind that I didn’t even realise it was Zayn let along Swifty….in my defense I only seem to listen to music in the car! #littlelove Ps. LOVE the office!

  2. You’ve inspired me to make some more photo books…it’s so easy to take lots of photos but not do anything with them! Thanks for the inspiration. The office looks great! #littleloves

  3. I love your office- I’m just about to start giving mine a massive overhaul and I hope it will keep me content rather than just doing a little bit each time and constantly changing. Your annual photo books are such a wonderful keepsake, a beautiful way to hold memories. #LittleLoves

  4. Office is amazing I love it. I wish I had a full space to work I am stuck in the corner for now. lol I will have to check that photo book company out I need to update my family albums haven’t done them in a while. Hope you have had a lovely weekend #littleloves

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