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Life Lately / February



How come it’s March already? Two months had gone by. It’s time again to look back and see how my February went. February went by so fast. I guess because it has only 28 days. In February, I finished the last few weeks of my work practice contract. I managed to complete the long six months of working. And it was without pay the whole time. In March, I start my work and study. And I’m hoping that I will survive and that I can achieve the goals what I’ve set this year. And, to finish my study hopefully without any hindrances. I have no idea what will gonna happen next. But hoping it will be a good one. Farewell February 2017!

Making: house clean at all times.
Cooking : I’ve made pancit last night and chicken soup. Making food isn’t my thing lately. I know I always feel hungry but I also don’t know what food to eat.
Drinking : Hot milk chocolate every single morning to start my day. ( I never drink coffee).
Reading: A travel guide book
Traveling: to Helsinki to meet my friends. I met them few times this month and it feels good.
Wanting: to have all what I’ve wished for.
Looking: forward for the new life adventure I’m taking right now.
Deciding: to be positive despite the bad things happened in life.
Wishing: I could travel to my home country right now!
Enjoying: my free time as much as I can.
Waiting: for the warm weather and the Spring season to come.
Liking: the life lately. Not so much worries.
Wondering: what will gonna happen on my work and studies. How do I handle both working and parenting.
Listening: to this playlist whenever I am in computer.
Buying: a new DSLR camera when savings is enough.
Watching: In February I’ve watched Fifty Shades Darker in cinema. I don’t often watch in cinema but since I watched the first movie, I decided to watch the second also. It was a great movie!
Hoping: everything will be fine!
Needing: some pampering time. A spa maybe?
Questioning: Did I made the right decision?
Smelling: a really nice perfume scent.
Thinking: too many things lately. I worry too much.
Admiring: brave people who survive the pain and disappointments in life.
Getting: so lonely lately. No idea why.
Bookmarking: new found blogs.
Disliking: the rainy and then snowy weather lately. When is Spring coming???
Opening: my heart to new life’s opportunities. We don’t wait for tomorrow what we can do today.
Closing: the past both good and bad and just embrace the today and the future.
Feeling: happy about what is going on with my life right now, although it still feels so scary and stressful.
Hearing: tiny voices singing Little Pony Songs. (I love you, baby girl!)
Celebrating: Valentines day at home like a normal day.
Pretending: to be strong even if I am so weak inside.
Embracing: life and it’s ups and downs.

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