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Last Week / #LittleLoves



Happy weekend friends! This week has gone by so quickly. It seems that days disappears that fast. You woke up, spent hours at work, you get home, eat, rest a little and then it’s time to sleep. You wake up the next day and you’re doing the same routine every day. This is my last week of relaxing. Not really relaxing since I am not relaxing at all. What I mean is that, starting next week I will be busy as the bee. I will start my full job and that means I will be working 8 hours a day. Here comes a busy working mama. It will gonna be hard but I know I can do it. Nothing can stop me. And who doesn’t love to earn own money? I hope everything goes well though. I hope I manage the time between working and taking care of my daughter. Fingers crossed!

So far this week I’ve been…


I didn’t read any book lately as I don’t have time to do so.



The other weekend, I’ve watched the movie Fifty Shades Darker in cinema.- I know not everyone loves this movie but I do. I’ve seen the first movie, so I was quite excited to watch the second one to follow their story. (photo from google)


And, again I did nothing any crafty this week. But I did assemble new furnitures which I bought from ikea. My office is now finally complete and Rianna’s play area as well.


Wearing my new gym pants at work. I know, it’s not suitable. But it’s so comfy and easy to move around. My work is standing the whole time and walking. Wearing jeans isn’t a good idea. So, some comfy pants or gym pants is perfect.


Listening this playlist in youtube. There’s a song in this playlist that I start dancing when it’s playing. Rianna keeps laughing because I am dancing with silly faces while I tickles her as well. Sadly, no idea what’s the title of the song. However, It is so nice to listen and makes you dance. :)



I am currently waiting for my friends to come anytime soon. No idea where they are yet, so I will finish this post as soon as I can until they come. No more computer as soon as they are here.

Linking up with #LittleLoves.  This summarises what I’ve done during the week. A good way to document my busy week.


  1. I’m with you on the whole comfort thing while working, being practical is so important when you move around a lot. Thanks for linking up with LittleLoves! x

  2. As soon as i get home from work i change into my comfy clothes, wish i could get away with wearing them in the office/nursery.

    I saw the first 50 shades film and have read all the books but haven’t got around to seeing the second film yet.

  3. I agree comfy pants gym pants all the way especially if you are on your feet all the time. I haven’t seen the second movie but want to watch it. Definitely need to know after first movie also nosy how they go about things from the book :) I hope you are having a lovely weekend. #littleloves

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