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Life Lately / January



It’s the 31st of January. The last day of the month, therefore time to look back and see how January went. Well, it goes really fast. It feels like yesterday we welcome New Year and tomorrow is the beginning of the second month of the year. Time goes really fast! So far, January has been a really good month for me. Talking about great opportunities and the chance to see my friends more and to live happy and healthy. Although Yanna runs a few medical tests this month which thankfully everything turns okay. She is healthy and all her tests were good.

Making: plans and to do lists for next month.
Cooking: Chicken hot wings.
Drinking: Hot chocolate
Reading: A travel guide-book
Traveling: to Helsinki so far.. hopefully to another cities as well.
Wanting: to have a holiday in the Philippines.
Looking: forward to go to work and study at the same time. I will be so busy and tired and it will gonna be worth it.
Deciding: Whether to go to work or school. But decided to go to work instead.
Wishing: to win the lottery. :)
Enjoying: the kid free time when Yanna is not with me.
Waiting: for the warm weather and the Spring season to come.
Liking: the life lately. Not so much worries.
Wondering: what the future brings.
Loving: donuts and a lot of donuts lately.
Listening: Lately I’ve been listening to Ellie Goulding songs.
Buying: a house…. I know soon I will!
Watching: I have watched few movies this month such as; Fast &Furious 1-7. (yes I re-watched all the movies), Collide (such a beautiful movie), The Light Between Oceans (drama movie. made me cry), Tomorrow Already In Hong Kong (inspired me to visit HK.)La la Land and etc.
Hoping: everything goes well as it should be.
Needing: a vacation somewhere warm.
Questioning: “Have I done enough?”. Have I done all my best?”… Or should I try more? Yes, I should try more to learn Finnish language!
Smelling: like a baby after a warm shower. :)
Noticing: how much Yanna have grown lately. She is now so talkative too!
Thinking: about so many things right now.
Admiring: how great my boss had done for me. I am so grateful.
Getting: nervous and excited for my next life’s ventures.
Bookmarking: new-found blogs.
Disliking: myself for having less self-confidence. I know I can do it but I don’t trust myself that much.
Opening: my heart for new opportunities.
Closing: all the regrets in my life. I want to be positive and motivated instead of worrying about things that already happened and cannot be undone.
Feeling: happy, excited, confused, scared… ahhh don’t know!
Hearing: some cool new songs.
Celebrating: a simple and happy life. Life is so good so far!
Pretending: not to look tired even though my knees are in pain. haha
Embracing: the moment.

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