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Back To Work, Snow Storm / #LittleLoves



On Monday we were back to normal life here. I’m back to work after two weeks holiday and Yanna is back to daycare. We both had two free weeks and we sure enjoyed those days spending time together. It was good to be back on our daily routine. To wake up early and making the day a productive one. No more laziness, waking up late, and staying until midnight every night. We are back to our normal life.

Here’s what I’ve been up to this week. The second week of the 2017!


I haven’t had any time to read any interesting book this week as I don’t have time. However, Yanna and I read some of her books before going to bed. Well, part of the bedtime routine. Aside from that, I’m reading journal while writing some plans as well. Aside from that, I have been reading a lot of new blogs lately also. I enjoyed reading blogs on my spare time. Looking at beautiful photos and reading interesting stories.


I’ve been watching travel videos lately on YouTube. It feels like traveling the world in the comfort of my home. :) I’ve watched so many movies the past weeks and this week I just let myself rest a little. I have few movies waiting for me to watch. Hopefully when I have time to sit on the sofa and concentrate with the movie.


Nothing much this week as I’m busy working during the day and not enough time during the night. But I’m looking forward to create some DIY and crafts with Yanna. Valentines day is coming soon, so perhaps making some handmade cards soon with Yanna.


Wearing my thick converse shoes. It’s perfect for this cold weather. And of course my everyday outfit at the moment;  thick winter jacket and pants.


I’m loving Ellie Goulding songs lately. Im listening to her music everyday when I’m at computer. It inspires me and gives me energy. Also, hearing little Yanna’s voice singing songs from My Little Pony movie.


Today I am absent from work because the little girl is sick. We stayed home cozy and warm. We had a snow storm here since yesterday and there’s a lot of snow outside. Really thick snow and very cold too! And that’s all what happened this week. See yah next week!

Linking up with #LittleLoves.  This summarises what I’ve done during the week. A good way to document my busy week.


  1. Such gorgeous photos! I love love snow, but it’s pointless in the UK as there’s rarely enough to care about and it just throws the entire place into chaos. Ellie Goulding is one of my favourites too – I could listen to her on repeat all day. Hope your girl feels better soon, and that you had a great weekend :) #LittleLoves

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