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52 Moments 04 / I Got What I Wished For



Over two weeks ago, I had an interview and exam for the school I was applying for. Last Monday, I got a thick letter and I knew it was an acceptance letter. I just knew it the day I finished the admission test. It was different. It was so easy for me compared to the last time I’ve tried to apply. An acceptance letter, indeed. Before I took that school admission test, I already had a job offer from the place I am doing my work practice. I wasn’t just sure about it. Not what I really wanted and I was confused. But yesterday, I learned that I got what I wished for. I don’t usually consider myself lucky, but now I really feel that I am lucky. I guess if you are just patience and humble, your wish will finally come true even if you less expect it.


I really wanted to go to school with one of my best friends (also Filipina), but I just couldn’t refuse this great opportunity. To work, earn money and study at the same time. It’s just so perfect. everyone’s wishing to have this opportunity and I wouldn’t miss it myself. So because of this, I have to say no to the school I got accepted in. This is actually the second school I decided not to go because of where I am working now. I guess I am destined to be a nurse after all. And I love assisting, helping, caring old people. It makes me happy.

Anyway, this weekend there was no adventure with my dear Yanna. On Saturday we stayed home, watched all the My Little Pony Equestria girls movie. She is just so obsessed about it right now and could watch the same movie over and over again. On Sunday, she went to her father and they went swimming on that day. Me on the other hand, I got bored, so I decided to go to Itis. One of the big malls in Helsinki. There, I found Equestria mini dolls and bought them. I have been looking for this dolls and, gladly I found it there. This toys are really expensive but for the sake of the love of your kid, you just close your eyes and buy them. I can’t wait for her to get home and have them. She will be happy.







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