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52 Moments 01 / Moomin Puisto


On the first weekend of 2017, Yanna and I traveled to the neighboring town. The first plan was to bring her to the indoor park named Hoplop, but we didn’t slept so well the night before and woke up late the following morning. So I said no to that plan. I thought we could visit town square instead and have a burger. But when both of us were ready to go, I checked bus schedule and decided to take the bus to the next town instead. It was around 2pm. Quite late to visit the indoor park. I’ve asked her many times if she wants to go to the park and her answer was always yes.

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We went to Moomin park instead. A big and famous playground in town. It started snowing and a little bit cold. But I just let her play as I promised her to bring her there. This was Yanna’s second time here. Last time we visited this place was in summer. She still remembers everything about this park though. She loves the slides, and slid many times.

It was getting dark and the snow became heavier. So I asked her if we could go to the shop to met our friends. We went and met with my friend Loudy. We then took another bus and went to H&M.

From HM we bought few things. Yanna found a Minnie Mouse dress and a hat. She didn’t want to let go of it. In my mind, she can use it as a costume as she likes dressing up. So I agreed we buy both.

After shopping, we treated ourselves with a burger and french fries. This little girl doesn’t eat burger but loves french fries so much. (I know, unhealthy. ) I’m happy to see her enjoying her food. We don’t always eat at fast food and it’s good to have sometimes.

After we’re full. We went to bus station, took the bus and went home. It was such a lovely afternoon. Love having adventure time with my girl especially if she enjoyed it too!

Looking for more adventures with this one.

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