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Thank You 2016, You’ve Taught Me A Lot!



Year 2016 wasn’t a good year nor a bad year for me. In fact, it’s a year when I learned a lot of lessons. It was a year full of challenges, sadness and regrets. But despite all, I found peace and independence. It taught me so many lessons in life. It gives me strength. It reminds me how important life is and the people around it. I’ve learned to be grateful even in the little things. I learned to be humble, to value what I have and what I don’t have. It’s a year of growth and lessons.


Although I started the year with a big challenges, I ended it with being proud of myself. I’ve done things I never thought I could do. I can’t count how many sleepless nights and crying moments I had. But I certainly became stronger now. I guess the only thing you need to do when you know you have nothing to lean on is to be strong and be brave. I felt neglected and betrayed. All I needed to do was to stand up for myself. I’ve achieved things I never thought I could before. Life isn’t easy at all. But now I can say that I am happy. Despite all the bad things that happened to me, I can say I’m happy for who I am and what I am now. I’ve grown and I’m not afraid anymore.

I am ready to leave 2016 and face 2017. I wish it’s a good year for me. I wish 2017 to be a better year. I’m looking forward for new adventures in life, good things to happen, good health, peaceful mind, a grateful heart and a happy year. Most importantly, I want my family and loveones to be close to me all the time. I am nothing without them. To my daughter who is my life. We will face and live life happy and full of fun together. I love you, baby girl.

Farewell 2016, and thank you!

Here’s the last photos of 2016. My happy little girl playing in her little corner in our living room. I made a play aread for her to play and so far so good. It’s a perfect place for her to play and explore.








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