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A Letter To My Five Year Old



My girl, you are now five! Five years ago you made me a mama. You were a wish come true. I love you with all my heart. I will be forever grateful for having you in my life. You are my life, my strength, and my power. I am nothing without you! I love you!

My Dearest Rianna,

On December 9th, 2016 you turned five! I still can’t believe that I have a five-year-old now. You were just a dream before which turned into a reality and now five years later here you are. Big, sassy, happy soul, sweet, everything I ever wanted.

For me, you are a miracle. I’ve been waiting for you my whole life. I’ve wished to have a daughter and God blessed me you. I still can remember the first day I knew I’m going to have you. We waited for months to get pregnant and it finally happened in the spring of 2011. It was so difficult on my first few weeks of pregnancy. But I never regret anything. I have loved you since the day you were conceived. And so grateful since then. You were the best Christmas presents I ever received on Christmas 2011. I am forever grateful.

Five years ago you made me a MAMA. You taught me so many lessons. You were born 4 weeks early and we stayed for one week in the hospital because something went wrong. We weren’t allowed to go home yet. As a first time mama, it was difficult for me. Everything I have to learn. From breastfeeding to diaper changing, to baby food, make you sleep and so on and so forth. It was a big challenge for me. But I passed it all. Now you are five. And still hard to believe. Where does the time go?

Now that you are five you have shown the real you. You started to test my patience and being stubborn sometimes. But you are sweet too.  You never forget to kiss and say I love you before going to sleep and before leaving you at daycare. Every day I am always looking forward to picking you up from daycare and see your face light up the seconds you see me and then run as fast as you could to meet me. It’s so nice to know that you missed me as much as I miss you!

You are now so talkative both Finnish and English. In daycare, you now eat any kind of food you have there. Well, except porridge in the morning which you still refuse and eat bread instead. But I am happy now that food is not so much an issue compared to before. It’s good to know also how much you have improved since going there every day. You communicate and play with other kids and it is very good for you to learn more Finnish language. What they didn’t know is that Finnish is actually your main language. We speak Finnish at home and less English. But I understand that they think that all the time we speak English, which isn’t the case.

You still love Mickey and Minnie Mouse. That never changed. You are also interested now in watching My Little Pony movies. You’ve watched all the music videos and sing along. You also love to have all the Little Pony characters. Aside from that, you like also Paw Patrol, all kinds of cars and loves to play dolls as well.

Even though you are now five, for me you are still my baby. Always will be. I will let you sleep in my bed whenever you want. Because why not. It’s only me and you, anyway.

Dearest Rianna, I pray that you will grow good and healthy. That you will grow up kind, honest, God-fearing, and confident with yourself. You will forever honor your parents and elders. Follow your dreams and may you achieve all that you wish for.

I love you so much! Enjoy being five!

xo, Mama

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