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Cold Days And Easter Holidays 

I really wanted to get back to the blogging world so bad and tell you what’s going on right now. I’ve tried couple of times to write but just couldn’t finish even a single paragraph. I think it’s so hard for me now to continue what I’ve loved doing for many years now because there’s less of a story to talk about. Or there’s a lot more however things aren’t the same and sometimes it’s hard to balance the time between a mama and a student. Life is getting busier also here and a lot of things had happened since the last few months. But I won’t have to go all the details about it. Moreover, I live a life without a camera and a computer for few months now (no kidding) and honestly it sucks! I miss so much taking photos, sitting in computer editing countless photos and blogging. I kinda get used to it anyway.  Living a simple and stress free life. It’s better this way…. for now!

Anyway, today is Easter Sunday. “Happy Easter my friends!”

I bought Easter eggs and candies for my little girl a few days ago and I’m planning to hide eggs for her to find and do Easter egg hunting here inside the house. I’m quite excited about it. :) This is something we do each year and I would like to continue doing this for years to come. Last night I told her that  I have a surprise for her in the morning. And now when she woke up I heard her says “Kauppaan”… She thought we are going to the store today to buy her favorite surprise eggs but no I’ve bought them already.

Winter! I’ve been waiting for the weather to get warmer. Cold days is too much now. Let the spring come and enjoy the sunshine. One day the road was so dry and I thought I could go to work by a bike but in the morning when I woke up I was surprised to see snow and everywhere it’s all white again. What can we do? Cold days should be gone by now or soon!

I’m almost done with my school. I just started my internship last week and i will work there for two months. After that two weeks back to school and the course is finished. I still have to figure out where to go after that. Hopefully I’ll get accepted to colleges I’ve applied for. It’s quite scary to think about the future and what to do next. I’m positive though, God has better plans for me. I will survive and I will be proud of myself for being strong and doing this all alone. As they say, help yourself first before others can help you.

Lastly, I hope everyone’s enjoying their long Easter holidays. I have four days free and I’m enjoying my time at home with my little girl. We do all kinds of relaxing, tv, music, food, play, singing and kinds of stuffs you do with your kids.



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