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Three Years Old


And just like that our baby girl is now three! This little one turns three on December 9th. I still cannot believe that I already have a three-year-old daughter.

She now speaks a lot. Her vocabulary has grown since she started going to the daycare. Sometimes it is funny to have a conversation with her. It is too cute to listen to her. She has those words that I haven’t heard before. She is growing up so quickly. Definitely no longer a baby. She loves dancing and often asks me if we could do just dance together. She can now follow dance steps and it’s too cute to see her dance. She also loves singing. She is singing all the time and it’s nice to listen her little voice. Hubby and I secretly laugh sometimes because Rianna is so into singing and her voice just too cute to listen to.

At three she knows her alphabets colors and shapes. She knows the animal’s names, names of fruits, etc. She knows both in English and Finnish. I am still trying to speak with her in my mother tongue, which is bisaya, but I think it is too much and made her confused more. However, I do love that she can speak and understand my language as well. There’s nothing wrong having to know more than one language. For me it’s a great advantage.

She is still in daycare. She goes few times a week, but not everyday. She now enjoys being there. She plays with other kids and no longer shy or sad when she’s there. She also doesn’t cry anymore. I’m so proud of her, and so happy to have her as my own.

Lately every night she would always grab her jackets, boots, hats and wear them like she’s having her own costume party. She even uses sunglasses too. So funny of her. She now also chooses what clothes to wear on a day to day basis. She would pick what colors she will wear. She is always full of energy. Always playing and running.






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