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Saturday Afternoon


Yesterday we had a very lovely weather. It was warm and sunny. Finally, it feels like spring is really here. I do not want to stay inside the house whole day, so after I’ve done house cleaning and laundry, me and Rianna went for a walk. First, we walked to the center. There were so many yellow and blue flowers growing everyone. One sign that spring is really here. Rianna was sleeping on the stroller the whole time we’re walking.



Later, I decided to walk to the forest as well. And, then we went. It has been a while since the last time I was there. The forest looks so different now. This place was my favorite to go during summer. I like to just sit there and listen to music while relaxing. I can also see the beach from there. It’s a perfect place for catching up thoughts and just relax. I could seriously write a poems or stories while I am there. Thoughts just flashing so quickly. A good place to refresh and relax the mind too.



Soon after Rianna was awake. We took a few photos and then we walked again. She refused to sit in the stroller this time and wants to walk. It was nice walking with her with some little chitchats. Some of her words I cannot understand yet, but it was nice to have a conversation with her while we were walking in the forest. She really has grown so much. She can now hold a conversations with me, and I liked it. I can practice my Finnish speaking with her.



We also went to the park later. Rianna was enjoying the slides so much! At first she wanted me to go sliding with her, so we slide together. Until she learned to do it on her own. We were laughing and I can see how much she love being there. We were at the park for more than an hour. Sunshine was really nice and it was warm. I am hoping that this weather will gets even warmer. I am looking forward for the summer to come. And of course more adventures outdoors.



(iPhone photos)

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