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Those Moments When… March

I’m writing this post while lying beside my daughter who just fast asleep awhile ago. I’m happy she finally settled down. But before that there were slamming the door, no äiti words, and refusing to lie down and sleep. I couldn’t blame her though, because until now sleeping pattern is still a problem here. She sleeps whenever she feels sleepy. No matter how early I put her to bed. There’s always little fights and to be honest i just decided to let her play until she is too tired and went to sleep on her own. It’s better than forcing her.

She has learned a lot of things since she went to päiväkoti. Most are good things. She learned  to speak more words now and became more independent. However, she learned some bad things as well. One time I sat beside her and she told me “mene pois, äiti” (go away mama!). I was speechless. Since when my daughter dislike sitting beside her mother? She also knows the words “minun” (mine) now. Sometimes it’s cute to listen but I just don’t agree with it. There’s no early or late for discipline. I want her to grow respectful and good girl.


School is getting harder now. It’s hard to believe that we are now five months. Time flies really fast. We just finished our module 2 exam last week. And to be honest I don’t care what my grades are as long as I did tried my very best. But also I don’t want to waste my time because I am not that young anymore. I want to move forward and not staying the same place where I’m at now. For me it’s like now or never. However, I think I did well on the test though. But I still feel so sorry for not being able to speak fluently. Why is it so hard for me to learn the new language?

On the other hand, I’m enjoying my “me time” on the bus going to school. I listened to music all the time. I refresh my mind and sometimes I think so deep that I don’t even care what other people think about me. You realize the value of “you” and “yourself ” when you’re alone. Life is unpredictable sometimes. Things happened for a reason, and no matter what i won’t regret anything. We only live once, so use it wisely and be happy.

I’m also enjoying my time with my friends. It’s so hard to find friends here in Finland. And I’m happy that I found few good ones since I attended school.

These were some photos from my Instagram account. Follow me @chymecindy if you’re not following yet. I’m trying to upload 60 photos a month there for my monthly photo book. I’d love to document the everyday moment. Because we can never go back the time. So I wanted to treasure those memories through photos. Something my family and I look back someday.

I don’t take photos with the big camera anymore as I don’t have time to do so. I’m even late updating the 52 project but I’m trying to catch up. I often take photos through iPhone these days, but it isn’t as good as the dslr. Hopefully, I can start using the big camera again.

Below are photos from last Friday. My two friends came over and we had a dinner together. They are the two of my closest friends here and it’s really nice to have them visit once in a while. They live far from where I live that’s why we don’t always see each other all the time. But summer is coming soon, so I’m looking forward for more adventures with them.

Lastly, March is a very good month for me. I’m excited for April. I hope we’re going to have warm spring days. And more outdoor adventures soon!


(iPhone shots)

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