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Those Moments When… February


February! Wow can’t believe I am writing another month review. February is a good month for me. So many memorable things happened. This month has gone by so quickly but it was a great month. First, Valentine’s Day was nice. Ari surprised me with a flower and a card. I thought it was sweet.

 Also, this month I had a lunch date with my friends at the Nepalese restaurant in Porvoo. It was so much fun eating and talking with them. It was also my first time to eat at the Nepalese restaurant. I love their food and the bread just tastes so good. We all loved it.

IMG_3648 IMG_3657 lunchdate

The following weekend, Ari and I had a movie date. We watched Fifty Shades Of Grey. Rianna was at home. Her big sister was looking after her while we were away. It was nice to be able to do something without a baby with us. Something we should do often. The movie was great. Some people doesn’t agree because they think the movie was bad. But for me it’s not bad at all as long as you are open-minded. You can get lessons from it. And it’s up to you if you get influenced by it or not. My favorite scene from the movie was when they flewn by a helicopter and the view was really nice.

One important thing that happened this month was no doubt the night my friend and I watch the Backstreet Boys movie in Porvoo theater. We felt like we were teenagers again. It was funny though because there were very few of us watching the movie. I think only us loves BSB in Loviisa- Porvoo area. However, it was fun. I took videos of the band singing. So nice to hear them sing in acustic version. Their voice has changed a lot but still sounds great. Nick Carter is still the best!


I stayed overnight at my friend’s house. Thankfully we had no class on Friday.  Our Thursday night out was perfect. It was also the second night when I left Rianna home. Second night that we aren’t together. But she did great with her father. And she was a good girl. Although, I missed her the whole time I was away.

So that was my February. Such an exciting month. Everything is fine in school too. Lessons are getting harder, but I’m positive I can do it and finish it.

Goodbye February. Thank you for being good.

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