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Life Lately / February


It’s time to sit again and blog about how I am doing this month and what I have been up to. There’s nothing much to say to be honest, but I love to do this once a month as an evaluation of what my month looks like. February has gone by so quickly. Here’s what I have been up to in February.

Taking Stock…

Making: a long lists of my new bucket list for the year. I’m so itching to travel again soon. Hopefully somewhere where there is always summer.

Cooking: or baking another cake. Sometimes I am craving of some sweets. Baking is a stress relief for me.

Drinking: a lot of hot choco lately. Never realized it’s going to be my favorite drink. It just helps a lot during this chilly weather. I love to drink it every morning during breakfast.

Reading:  some Finnish learning books.

Wanting: to buy a new DSLR camera. Just recently I am back to wanting to pursue and practice photography. And I am wanting to have the full frame camera.

Looking: forward to do workout with my classmates. Just recently we found a fitness gym where we all can go together after school. After some thoughts and doubts I finally decided to give it a go. Thankfully, the hubs agreed about my plan. So I am hoping I can do it and back to healthy lifestyle again. I honestly miss going to the gym, and now is another chance.

Playing: with my little girl.

Wishing: and always wishing to win the lottery… okay, even if I don’t bet any :).

Enjoying: my life and trying to be happy all the time.

Waiting: for the spring season to come. Looking forward to spend more time outside and just enjoy the sunny weather.

Loving: my life and family.

Hoping: to  spend more time with the family outdoors, travels, etc.

Needing: patience and courage. I have to convince myself that everyday is a new beginning and there’s always hope.

Smelling: fresh roses.

Wearing: ankle boots again. This past days is warm and snow are melting.

Following: what my mind is telling me. Always stay positive.

Knowing: what to do after school. I have come to a solution what course I am going to take after the language course. Hopefully things will work as planned. I’m planning to get a new profession where I can find job easily.

Thinking: to start making project life scrapbooks. I’m thinking I will buy the pattern online, and then part of me says it is better if I will make my own design and pattern. So, we will see. I hope I can pursue this plan, anyway! I’m good at planning and not making it come true

Bookmarking: some amazing photography and design blogs lately.

Opening: a package from a dear friend.

Feeling: very happy that I was able to watch the Backstreet Boys movie last night.


  1. Hello,
    I just came across your blog in Bloglovin and I’m following it! You have such a nice blog and beautiful photography here. I am originally from Brazil, but living in Europe also, in Austria and it seems like we’re going through some of the same things learning new language, looking into new profession… Hope well works well for you, hug

    1. Hello there, thank you for reading and following my blog. It’s nice to know another expats is reading my blog who can relate my story. It’s been a challenge but we all can do it. I hope things works for you in Austria too.

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