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On Christmas Eve


We had a lovely Christmas eve, and one of my favourite Christmas so far. In the morning I was busy in the kitchen cooking food and baking cakes and cupcakes. I need to make sure the dinner is ready early, just before Santa came. At around 3 pm the table is ready and the food was ready as well. As always, I do not cook so much food. Well, it’s only us three so there’s no point in cooking lots of food and nobody will eat it. We only had the basics which we are sure we can eat them. There are many Finnish foods that they serve on Christmas as part of the tradition. Most of them hubby and I doesn’t like, so we decided not to buy or cook them. We somehow had the ham which is the main food every Finnish family have on Christmas eve dinner aside from potatoes.



At 4 pm we indulged ourselves in the sauna (another Finnish Christmas tradition). Rianna is afraid of the sauna so we just let her have a bath in the tub while hubby and I were in the sauna. It feels so relaxing in there. Due to a busy schedule, we rarely go to sauna anymore. Normally, we go to sauna every weekend. We haven’t done it for a few months now, so it feels really good to have it again. It’s like a stress therapy.



After we had a sauna and shower we got dressed and ready. And then while waiting for Santa Claus we took some family photos together as part of the family tradition. Rianna was very happy that time and I think she was excited about Santa. This year we made sure we have Santa to come over. And he will come hopefully every year until Rianna is grown up.

At around 5 pm we heard a knock on the door and then we heard a loud voice saying; hu hu hu hu!!!! Merry Christmas! Santa Claus and his helper have arrived. Rianna’s reaction was funny. She was afraid at first but eventually happy as Santa began giving her presents. After Santa finished giving the presents they said goodbye and leave. Rianna then opens her presents and I can see how happy and excited she was. Thank you, Santa for visiting us. See you next year!



We then started our family dinner. Just the three of us. The food was good and it really feels great having my family with me on Christmas, although I miss my family back home too. We took some more photos in the dining table including our family selfies because why not? hehehehe…. after dinner we just spend the night sitting on the couch and watch TV, until we all got tired and went to sleep. It was such a lovely Christmas eve!










… strawberry cake, its yummy! …




…. the ham. as always we ended up having two hams this Christmas! They’re so yummy.


I hope you all had a great Christmas eve as well.

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