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52 Moments / 30- A Self Reminder


A Self Reminder

As a self-reminder to think of myself more often, aside from dealing with the crazy life. That I have to take care of myself too and have time for myself. I am not a working mum, but I feel like my job as a stay-at-home mama is too much to handle.

Literally, I am not busy doing things other than taking care of my daughter, who is very active and always need attention. I know, stay-at-home mom can relate to what I mean about this. Why do we always feel tired and exhausted? I cannot imagine how those other moms who have a toddler and a baby balance everything. It must have been very hard. However, the good thing about being a stay at home mom is being able to be there every time your little one needs you. You’ve got to spend all your time with your child and there is nothing better than that. I treasured every moment I am with my daughter. I am so grateful for the chance and for being her mama. For me, it’s a blessing!


These photos serve as a self-reminder for me to take care of myself more. I mean, look at those buggy eyes. This is to remind me to sleep early and have enough rest. I am a night owl, always have been. I don’t like to sleep early because I feel like I am wasting time when I can still do something else during those hours when I should be in bed already. Also, the little one doesn’t sleep early. So, so hard to put her to bed early. She normally sleeps at around 9 pm or sometimes past 10. When she falls asleep, that’s also the time when I can catch up things. Check on email, social media, other blogs, etc. Also, time for me to edit photos and write blog posts. When I am lazy to do those things. I normally just sat down beside hubby watching movies together in the living room and sometimes crush candies. Yes, I also play candy crush, which for me a way to clear up my busy and cluttered mind. We normally go to bed at midnight!

With that being said, late bedtime equals late getting up. This somehow will change when I start going to school. I am hoping they would finally schedule me for a class next year. I don’t think I can stay home for another year or so. I need to do something for myself as well. Need to study the language and hopefully find a job someday.

Lastly, a self-reminder for me to focus and do things that I really love like photography and blogging. I lost interests in photography thing and I feel like I don’t know how to take good photos anymore. I recently got Lightroom editing software. I tried to edit my recent and previous photos only to get frustrated because the photos are either overexposed or underexposed which for me is so hard to edit. So, now I am back to studying my camera features. Watch video tutorials and did a lot of research about this photography thing.


A self-reminder: always be grateful, take care of yourself, and do things that you love and makes you happy.

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