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52 Moments / 27- An Ice Cream Date

As a parent, we make certain rules and oftentimes we are the same person who breaks those rules. Before Rianna can eat anything, aka when she was still a baby hubby and I decided to make a rule regarding her food and drink diet. She is not allowed to eat candies, cakes, cookies, ice cream and anything sweets and junk foods. She is not allowed to drink soft drinks or any kind of drinks other than water and milk. Yes, even juice we do not allow her. We do not know how much sugar even fresh fruit juice can have. However, we always encourage her to eat fruits and vegetables.

As time passes by, hubby has a habit of eating candies or ice cream during nights while watching TV. And that’s the time when Rianna had her first taste of ice cream. At first, it was only just for testing and it was okay. But lately, she now wants to grab your ice cream if she sees you eating. She is two and a half year old, and now we let her eat ice cream. Well, it’s also because of the hot summer weather. So we decided okay let her eat ice cream, as long as it is not always.

To make the story short, Rianna had her first ice cream cone last weekend. We went to the city centre and ate ice cream, the three of us. She seems so happy about it. That was the only time she had one ice cream, though. After that, we are back to just let her taste and eat little, not the whole ice cream. I still do not like the idea of it. I do not like that she will get used to it and think it was okay.

Moreover, we finally had boating this week. As I mentioned on this post, we went to an island which has a better beach than what we have here. It was nice and we had so much fun. We also went to Helsinki and explore some tourists attraction in the city. Bucket list checked and I am glad. There’s still a lot of things that I want to do this summer though, but one thing at a time. Slowly but surely!

How’s your summer everyone?


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