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52 Moments / 26- A Birthday Party

A Birthday Party

I cannot believe it’s the middle of July already. Finally, we are experiencing warm and sunny days here. Summer has finally come to cold Finland. Yesterday we attended the birthday party at my friend’s house in Helsinki. Her son turns four years old. It was a lovely day. I could not complain about the warm weather lately.

It was a lovely meeting again some old friends and meet new friends. And, of course, eat delicious Filipino foods that I really miss so much! Rianna enjoyed playing that she even refused to eat. She was so busy playing in the backyard with those big toys such as cars and bikes as well as balls. Always grabbing my hands to go outside and play with her. On our way home, she was so tired and slept during the one hour ride.

Later that day we spent time in the backyard eating berries. The red berries are now ripe and ready to eat. Rianna loves them so much and could eat as much as she can! She can stay long there picking little red berries and eat. After that, we rode a bike and then later walked to the nearby park. So much energy for this little child of mine. I also want her to play and became tired enough so she will sleep early at night. She always sleeps late, and it’s because she naps late. Sometimes I tried to keep her busy when it’s too late for a nap during afternoons. Still trying to put her to bed early.

So, that’s the latest here so far. Nothing special. How was your week lovelies?


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