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Losing A Friend

Last night I was browsing through my Facebook and found an update from a friend who died a year ago due to some illness. Due to curiosity, I opened his profile to read the updates that were written on his Facebook wall. There were so many condolences messages. As I was browsing through all the messages I was shaking and then started to cry and sobbed and realized how sad I was of losing him. There was a pain in my heart that I could not explain. I missed him terribly. The last time I saw him was when I was still in college, I guess! I cannot even remember when, but I know it was a long time ago. Hearing news about his death was very heartbreaking. He was one of my friends whom I grew up with. We were very close and he was like a brother to me. We went to the same school in high school and elementary and we were best of friends. He was one of the guy friends that I am close to. He was a very special friend.

I was sobbing like a little helpless baby and talked to him. “Bobby, I miss you so much. I hope you’re happy wherever you are”. You will always be missed.” I felt like my heart was crumpled a million times. Death is so hard to accept. I was devastated when I lost my beloved mother at 22, and I feel the same when  I lost my friend.

Losing a friend is as horrible as you lost your family, especially if that friend is close to your heart. Friends are your family too. That night I was sobbing and missed my friend made me realized how precious life and time is. I don’t have a chance to spend time with Bobby before he died, but those days, months, years that we were together as a friend will always be cherished and remembered. He was a great person and I am so sad he died early.


  1. Que bonito post, me he paseado por tu bloc y me ha encantado, te invito a ver el mío, esta semana viajamos a la India y decoramos con piezas hindúes terrazas y jardines, espero que te guste y si es así y no eres seguidora espero que te hagas ahora, gracias por

  2. I’m so sorry! :(
    I take comfort in God, who hears us : “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” (Psalm 56:8) Your sadness is seen, and He wants to comfort you. Sending you much love!

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