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Expat Life: 5 Things You Need To Know About the Expat Life In Finland

Things you need to know about the expat life in Finland

Ever wonder how is the expat life in Finland? Well, there are many pros and cons of course! Here are the five things you need to know about the expat life in Finland. This is my personal experiences and are my own views. 

Things You Need To Know About the Expat Life in Finland

Banking In Finland Is Not Easy For An Expat:

In Finland, if you are an expat, you can only open a bank account that has an online feature enabled if you already stayed for more than three months. Otherwise, you will be given a simple bank account which leaves you to complete forms not just in banks but anywhere else taking you longer than 10 minutes each time. Having online banking is very accessible in paying bills and shopping. So having a bank account is really important. You can apply to any bank you may prefer.

Finding A Job Is Difficult Especially For An Expats:

The rule is to learn the Finnish language first before you can find the dream job you ever wanted. Well, this is very true and I agree with this. How can you communicate if you do not speak their language? The good news is, they give you an opportunity to study the Finnish language full time, or while working at the same time.

The Cost Of Living In Finland Is High:

For us expats who came from a very far country, you will really get shocked the first time you see the prices of their products especially the food. Expat living in Finland is expensive. Well, people may think that Finland is a rich country and Finnish people are rich. Oh well, I can assure you that life here isn’t easy. It’s hard and everything is expensive.

Expats Sometimes Feel Like A Stranger:

In Finland, it is not common to open up a conversation to anyone you just meet, unless you already know each other. Hence, ex-pats feels like a stranger.

Expats Who Are Married To A Finn May Also Avail the Kela Benefits:

If you are an ex-pat in Finland who is married to a Finn, you can avail of the benefits from Kela. Especially if you are a mother and has child/children. If you go to the language school you can also enjoy some allowance. If you are pregnant, stay at home mother with under three-year-old child or an unemployed you can avail of some benefits from Kela as well. This may depend on family income though.


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