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Motherhood… is difficult and rewarding.

Happy Mother’s Day Everyone!

Today is my third mother’s day. I have become a mother of two and a half years ago. It was one of those fulfilling jobs that I have that I will never regret no matter what. I am a stay-at-home mother and I wouldn’t replace it with anything. It is such a blessing to me, to always there any time my daughter needs me, to always look after her, and teach her. Being a mother is not easy. We do everything for our children even if it means giving our own happiness away. We gave them pure and unconditional love only a mother can give to them.

This Mother’s Day reminds me of God’s love and blessings. Of how lucky I am to be a mother. God blessed me by granting my wishes and dreams to have a beautiful child of my own. Since childhood, I already dreamed of becoming a mother someday. I love babies. I love taking care of them and play with them. When I was younger, I used to play with my nephews and nieces. The love of children has grown in me since then.

Ever since I became a mother I learned so many life’s lessons. I learned to become a strong, responsible and a better woman. My daughter gives me strength every day. Right now she is the only thing I know no one can take away from me. She is my own and she is my life.

Motherhood is difficult and rewarding. There is no such thing as perfect parenting as everything depends on how you deal with it. I chose to stay-at-home with my daughter until at least she turns three. I know I will miss these moments when we are always together someday when I start having a job and be busy. But right now, all I have to do is a treasure all those memories and time I am with her.

Our mother is someone special to us. Today we will honour their love and sacrifices for us. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in the world. You deserved to be happy and remembered.

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs… since the payment is pure love.

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