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52 Moments / 19- A Better Change

I feel nervous on our way to the school where I will take my exam this morning. I cannot remember when was the last time, I took the school test. When we arrived there I felt relief because I realize that I don’t really have to worry about it. It is even better if I cannot answer so they will put me in the class where it’s very basic and the very beginning of the language course. That’s what I needed.

Baby girl was noisy while outside the room waiting for me. She was happy to meet another kid there. She seems happy for mama too. She runs towards me as soon as she sees me out the door. The test was fine. Better than I expected. Now, I will just have to wait for the results and see if I can start this September. Hopefully, I can.

My life, our lives will change when I will start going to school. I will be very busy every day. Rianna will spend her morning and afternoon at the private daycare. Her dada will take care of her if he doesn’t have work. This change makes me really sad, and happy too, of course! Happy that I can finally start doing something for my future. I have bigger plans after this language course. Sad because I cannot spend all my time with my family just like I always have. But this change is better for us.

There will be a big challenge waiting for me. Commute by bus every single day to school, which is more than 3o minutes, by the way. This is going to be hard during winter as I have to walk going to the bus station. But it’s just how it works. I know I can do it. There is no success without any sacrifices. So whatever it takes I will do it!

Today the weather changes from 10 degrees the other day to 20+ degrees today. It feels really summer already. I love this weather change. Hopefully, this warm weather will stay until summer.

Rianna is always grabbing my hands and wants to play. She loves to stay outside and play. We have been spending outside lately. We have a few lunches at the backyard already with some barbecues. It is really nice when the weather is warm. No need jacket. Just shirts and slippers are perfect. Rianna even loves walking around with barefoot.

I have already painted the playhouse interior. It’s not done yet. Still need third and last coating. I never knew I can paint, but I was just trying and happy that I did. I managed to do it all by myself. Next thing to do is decorate and make it a perfect play area for my little girl.

I really like those yellow wildflowers. They look like a sunflower in a smaller size. If we don’t watch Rianna, she would have removed all the flowers from the plants. She just gives us a smile every time we caught her.

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