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52 Moments / 17- The Rainy Days

The Rainy Days

 “You know its rainy days when you are stuck inside and don’t want to go out because it’s cold. You will see a lot of water drops everywhere, on the trees, on the plants, on the ground. The sun is hiding and the sky is covered with dark clouds. It’s dark and foggy on rainy days, and it’s boring too. Well, remember that there’s always sunshine after the rain. Like there is happiness after sadness, and there is hope after the storm. So hang in there, and the better days will come.”


I am trying to stay positive in this rainy days. It has been raining every day this week. Even though the house heater is still on I still feel cold and just want to hide in the blanket whole day and stay in bed. That explains why we do not have family adventures outdoor this week. It’s May already and it still feels winter sometimes.
On the other note, Rianna has been so funny lately. She’s singing a lot and talking too. We cannot stop to giggle and laugh because it’s really funny how she sing and talk. It makes me happy that she is talking now and really trying her best to express herself. I know she find it so hard to understand and speak well because of this multilingual thing. I stopped using my own language now and instead just speak Finnish and English to her. I do not want to confuse her so much. I know she will learn all these languages as she is growing older. For now, we encourage her to speak in Finnish as it is her main language. 

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