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The Expat Diaries: Boracay Island Hopping

Boracay Island Hopping

Boracay Island Hopping

There are so many things to do while in Boracay island. One is the island hopping. The other side of the island has this unique white sand beaches that everyone will surely love.  When we were in Boracay, Philippines a few months ago, we went for an island hopping. It was so windy and has high monsoon at the main beach so we decided to explore the other side of the island which was also very nice. Hubby and I always love the beach so much. We also love to explore the whole island, and island hopping is always in our list. We rented a boat and paid for the whole tour just the three of us. The tourist guide was very kind to take some of the photos below.

Boracay Island

We were at this island also before, back in 2010. It was so different that time. It’s amazing how a place can change in a certain period of time. It was three years ago when we had the same island hopping route. But that time it was more of a nature tour. The island seems like it was untouched, but now there are few buildings already, and it really looks so different now. There were no big rocks anymore. Perhaps I was wrong, but I am pretty sure we went to this same island we went before, and it really looks so different now. 

And, of course the hubs enjoyed snorkeling in the deep clear water. He had so much fun. Baby girl and I stayed on the boat watching him swim and snorkeling. The water was crystal clear and you can see the bottom of the sea. 

Boracay Island

We stopped at this island I mentioned earlier. We had our lunch and mango shakes. We played a while, enjoyed the white sand, let baby girl run around even though she was not in mood that time, and took few photos. It was a lovely day!

Boracay Island Hopping

We love Boracay island, and will come back there again someday.

Anyway, I am co-hosting the Expat Diaries this week. Please come by, check other blogs and meet new friends. You can meet other expats and read their travel tips and stories.


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