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52 Moments / 14- Loviisa Market Day And Other Things

Loviisa Market Day

Loviisa Market Day And Other Things

There was a Loviisa market day last Tuesday at the city center. As usual we went there. It was still very cold. There were so many shops which I believe the same shops every market day. We just roamed around, check something and didn’t have any intention to buy anything. Well, we honestly bought something, the bread if that counts? I took few photos on my iPhone and thought I could blog them. 

I was about to buy new plants already, but the weather here still really cold, so I think I need to wait few more weeks. Flowers at the market day is a lot cheaper and should be the best time to buy them. Well, there are still market day coming so no worries for that! 
Last week was an adventure week and also a lot of shopping which made my wallet empty. I cannot stop myself to buy something for baby girl. Could it be a cute shirt or a dress or just anything I thought were cute. It’s such a strange that I do not buy anything for me anymore. Things have changed for sure, and because I am trying to save money I tried to ignore those cute shoes or clothes I saw in the mall or online stores. We were planning another short trip when the weather becomes warmer that is why I am also trying to save money for that. I hope the weather will become warmer in the next few days because you know this cold thing is too much already. 

We finally cleaned our front and backyard this week. Hubby cut those plants near the gate. It made me happy because finally he did it. I kept asking him before to trim the plants as they were tall and wide already and looks so ugly. Now it looks a lot better. There were so many dry leaves in the yard as we did not clean them last fall. Lessons learned I should clean the yard before the winter comes as it is much easier than let the leaves stay there until spring. It looks like a trash trust me! There were also so many unnecessary things in the yard that needs to throw away. I believe our yard is the ugliest and dirties backyard in the neighborhood. Yucks! Well, not anymore soon because today we are going to throw those trash away. We borrowed the big cart so today is the big cleaning day. 

Some of the plants mostly wild flowers start growing in the yard lately. I can also see tiny buds on the apple tree and berries. Spring is coming shortly and I know the surroundings will soon become colorful with the flowers and trees blooming again. Anyway, do you live in Finland? Do you know any cherry blossoms plants somewhere in the country? I have been looking for one and would really love to see cherry blossoms tree in the Springtime. I just do not know where. Hubby said there were few somewhere at someone’s backyard, but I didn’t see any. We will see when the spring is in full swing here. I really love to take photos of the cherry blossoms blooming beautifully! 

Lastly, I hope this will be the last photos of Rianna wearing winter suit. As I mentioned earlier it is still very cold here and this suit is just so easy to put on. I have been wearing light jacket lately though, but still looking forward to just wear no jacket at all. Not fun to ask the days to pass by so quickly, but you know, no one’s not excited for summer to come, right? Even you for sure!
Happy Monday everyone!

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