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52 Moments / 12- You Are My One True Love

“You Are My One True Love”

Today is the first day of April. The fourth month of the year. Few months more to go before my birthday and I will become older, again! Although we have cold weather again this week I am glad that we do not have snow anymore. We have sunshine almost every day and it really feels like it’s spring already. It’s amazing how much a weather can change your mood. Although I feel sick lately I feel a little bit better and happy than the previous weeks. Sunshine gives me so much energy and positive vibes. 

We participated mothers and children’s activity today. It is best for Rianna to mingle with other kids and for me to see and meet other mothers. I was having a conversation with the administrator lady and she makes me feel so much welcome to the group. I do love to join all the time they have gatherings, but sometimes time just won’t allow me. And today, I am happy we were there with them. 
You are my one true love. Aren’t these words so romantic? Love is a universal thing. A person can love to anything like; a mother’s love to her children, a child’s love to his parents, grandparents and to his brothers and sisters, a love to your friends, a love to your neighbors, a love to the opposite sex, a love to your family, and most importantly a God’s love to His creation. We also have love to certain things that are important to us. 
For me having a true love is a blessing. I am blessed to have a true loves in my life. My parents and family loved me so dearly. My husband loved me as much as much as I loved him. I love my daughter so much and she is my world. We all have different definition of love. Love is the most sweetest and greatest thing in the world. A world is possible if you are with the person you truly love. No matter how hard the life can be. Do you feel the same way as I do? Being in love and loved in return is the most amazing thing in the world, isn’t it?
We mothers, love our children unconditionally. We are always ready to give them everything they want and need. We are ready to risk everything just to make them happy, safe and secured. And, sometimes we give up our own happiness just to make them happy. Love can also be overwhelming at times. There isn’t always a right love, but if you know how to balance  between life and love, things will be better. 
My greatest love to my daughter is very obvious. Sometimes I cannot believe how lucky I am to be her mother, or being a mother in general. The responsibility is not easy, but seeing your child happy and grow healthy makes you happy too. True love that is! Being a mother is something I am being so proud of. I would never replace it with anything. With that being said, I would like to greet all mothers in the world “A Happy Mother’s Day”. In Finland we celebrate mother’s day in May. But until then, every day can be a mother’s day too, right? 
How much do you love your children, parents and partners in life? Have you ever said to anyone; “You are my one true love”?

You Are My One True Love

by: Chymecindy

You are my one true love,

I want to be with throughout the night.
Hoping to be with you all the time,
To share my real love for you.
You are my one true love,
All these years until then.
You are always in my heart,
Sitting deep down inside.
You are my one true love,
Who makes my day brilliant.
Shining as the sunny day,
As you gave your smile to me.
You are my one true love,
Who takes the pain go away.
Who takes care of me,
And loving me so much.
You are my one true love,
I feel deep inside my heart.
You are the one I love so much,
And will always in my heart forever.

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