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52 Moments / 10 – Backstreet Boys Concert In Helsinki

This post is full of OA ness. If you do not want to hear me say something about boybands please escape your keyboard now. But if you love Backstreet Boys as much as I do then please read on!

backstreetboys concert in helsinki

Backstreet Boys Concert In Helsinki

I was always a big fan of the Backstreet Boys. I was around thirteen or fourteen years young when I first heard the songs from the Backstreet Boys. Remember the song “As Long As You Love Me” and “Quit Playing Games With My Heart”? These songs were very popular back in the days in the Philippines. While there are few other boy bands that time, BSB has been my favorite, even until today. I have a teenage crush, a big one actually to Nick Carter and yeah I am not shy to admit it even to my husband. I think every girl feels the same or maybe at least 5 out of ten. Tell me, it’s not only me! He is super cute and the voice, oh my! My heart sings every time I hear his voice. I don’t know. It’s just something I could not explain why. 

I remember dancing “I Want It That Way” during the school program and even shared the dance steps to my younger friends aka my father’s grade 1 students. BSB songs were all over FM radios at that time and they were very famous. I remember collecting song hits and their posters and buying their albums, still cassettes tapes at that time. Believe me, I still have those until now in my old house. Those are kind of funny memories of my teenage years. 
backstreet boys concert in Helsinkibackstreet boys concert in Helsinki When I heard the news about the Backstreet Boys concert in Helsinki a few months ago, I knew I cannot miss it and that I will try my best to be there. Hubby was very supportive and understands me and my obsession (big laughs) he bought our concert ticket and gave it to me as Christmas presents. I was looking forward to the big concert months later. I can finally meet my favorite boyband. I have to go even if it means leaving my baby girl to the baby sitter.
My dear friend was kind enough offering us to babysit baby girl. It was a big relief. It’s so hard to find someone to watch baby here. The relatives are all busy with their jobs. Thankfully a dear friend of mine was there and so willing to help. We left Rianna at my friends’ house and pick her up after the concert. It was the first time she was away from me that long, and we were so worried. She was doing fine and my friend said she did not cry at all and was well-behaved. 

backstreet boys concert in Helsinki

Friday night, March 7th, the most awaited concert has finally come. I cannot describe how I felt. It was also the first night out that hubby and I went alone together without baby. It was our big date, a very memorable date! And there I was standing in front of them, cannot even think the dreams have finally come true and its a reality now. I cannot describe the joy that I felt. I was very happy and excited. 
The show went well and was a huge success. I enjoyed every minute of it. Because I know all their songs, of course, I was singing out loud throughout my lungs. They were singing all my favorite songs and my favorite band is singing in front of me. What else can I say? My phone got dead after taking so many photos and videos. Apparently, I was very excited and didn’t even realize the big camera is not allowed there. I should have brought the small one and take nice photos. iPhone photos aren’t that good, but better than nothing, right?

backstreet boys concert in Helsinki

There were lots of people in the arena. I bit Finnish people love Backstreet Boys too. Everyone was screaming and singing along. We all have a moment and we all enjoyed the show so much. Hubby chooses the perfect seat for us. Not too near, not too far. There were empty seats down below, so we transferred there. I was standing the whole time though, dancing and singing like people doesn’t care or exists. I was having so much fun! 
Hubby said it was the best big concert he has ever been to. Backstreet boys never fail Finnish people. They are the best! Thank you BSB for making it the best Friday night ever!

Me and hubby taking a selfie before the concert started. You can see how excited I was. Please don’t judge me, I just love them very much and their music is inspirations to me.


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