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52 Moments / 8 (And A Giveaway)

Life Lately

Last week I felt sad, lonely and a little bit depressed with the life lately. This week I am back to a normal me, happy and just being a mama taking care of my little family. The snow are melting, the roads are messy and dusty, but I love it. It feels like spring is around the corner, and I can’t wait for it. This winter is not so cold, but its not as a adventurous  winter like the previous years. I don’t know, its just different. Last winter we always go for a walk as a family. Now its very seldom. I guess things just changed. Sometimes an argument occur when either me or the other half were lazy to go out with baby girl. Its a must to bring little children outside once in a while. Sometimes when we don’t go run errands someone complained why I didn’t go out with baby girl, and then, the whole day will turns to a whole moody day. I don’t talk when I am mad or felt bad. That’s just me, something bad about me. 

I am a moody person, if you didn’t know, now you know it! Hubby is used to it already. Sometimes he gets moody too, maybe he got it from me? hahaha… just kidding! There is something in me that I wanted to change, like being shy or uncomfortable to strangers. I get bored easily too. But this is me. We all have flaws and pretties. My flaws is being so moody even through a little things. 

Guess what I am now on my second week of cleansing. I drink lemon water every day and this is my second week. I am not sure if this is true about cleansing the body or not, but I just did it. After all I drink plenty of water a day, so why not add some fruits on it to make it tastes better, right? Have you ever tried it? They said lemon water will help flash fats as well. I am working on my weight loss so I guess this would help me achieve my goals. I just wanted to lose 2-3 kilograms. I am also trying my best to ignore and forget about yummy pastries and cakes, and instead eat fruits at snack time. I do not drink soft drinks and soda anymore. Its just water and fresh orange juice. I am still working on my healthy food diet though, as I still want to eat rice and noodles all the time. 
I am doing well on my workouts. I feel energetic and strong. I do not have any muscle pain after heavy workouts. The first few weeks was hard. Now I am trying my best to keep it real, and be more motivated. I do not see any improvements on my body yet, right now, but I can see it through my strength. I feel strong and active. Exactly what I needed. Just like hubby said, be patient…. the results won’t come that fast. We have to wait, do more and exercise more. Summer is still far though. I have enough time, don’t you think?

On Friday, hubby and I decided to go to the gym without baby girl. We waited until she fall asleep on her nap time so we don’t have to worry about her crying. Her elder brother agreed to watch her. She was sleeping so it was okay we were not home. It was the first time that I left my baby girl to someone, not hubby. I was a little bit worried, but I know her bro will takes care of her when she wakes up or watch her while she is still sleeping. It was such a lovely time in the gym without the little girl walking around always catching my attention. I did my workout without interruptions. When we arrived home, baby girl was already awake. It was surprising because she never cried at all, and she was just fine. We also did it today. We went to the gym while baby girl was napping. When we came home, she was still sleeping. It was already 5pm and she is still sleeping. She can sleep even longer if we don’t wake her up.
We do more reading now, playing with puzzles and learning with the alphabets. I never imagined the wall sticker on our bedroom is something baby girl got interested into. She loves to point the letters and speak too. She can identity the letters and point it. I teach her the English alphabet, when her father teaches her they use Finnish. Sounds confusing for her, even for me. I am not sure if teaching her English is better, or just teach her in Finnish right away. Either way, I am hoping she will good at three languages someday, English, Finnish and of course Bisaya. 

Anyway, as part of Scattered Seashells sponsors this month, we have a group giveaway where I am giving away one month of Ad space. so what are you waiting for go enter now. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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