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Travel Diaries: Forbidden City, Beijing

Well, it is not only bad things happened to us in Beijing, but there are also good ones too. After being refused to check-in, and finally given a room after an hour of waiting we decided to explore the city. It was late afternoon already and we didn’t even know where to go. Our plan was to walk on the street to find a restaurant to eat. We walked and walked until we reached a place full of people. We didn’t know what it was, all we know was it was for sure a tourist place as there were countless people at that time. We tried to ask one vendor, but he cannot understand English. We asked another tourist, and he said that the place was the Forbidden City.

It was indeed the Forbidden City, but we were at the wrong place because that was the exit area. Oh my gosh! That’s why we cannot find the entrance and no one can tell us how to go inside because there is no entrance there. Well, it was still part of the Forbidden City so we just took a few photos and walked away. I was frustrated because I really want to visit that place. It’s on my to-do list while we were in Beijing.

We walked and followed the crowd. Along the way, so many motorcycle drivers approached us and offer a ride. Hubby and I decided to try to go to the main Forbidden city where we can go inside and look. We took the motorcycle. I don’t know what’s the name of it. An old guy brought us there. He didn’t bring us to our destination actually, but we were almost there so we just walk and walk and walk until finally, we can see the front area of the Forbidden City.

And there we were. It was too late so we didn’t go inside anymore. I took a few photos of the place.
There were so many people at that time and it was very hot. After exploring the place, we walked following the crowd and finally decided to go back to our hotel.
It was a fun experience!

Next post I will talk about the Tiananmen square.


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