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Rianna Is Two, Now What?

I have written and explained very well in this post how much I don’t want a new baby right now. The reasons why it is so hard and that I am not ready yet to have another child. Well, I will be lying if I have to pretend that I do not like babies because I do, I really do! Since I wrote that post it has always in my mind about the thoughts of having a second child. I am honestly jealous seeing someone who has a child like Rianna’s age with a little baby on the way or already was there. You know, a two-year old and a one-year old child. It’s a very close age gap, but better if you want your child to be close in age. 
Rianna is two, now what? The answer is actually “I don’t know…“. To be honest I really want to have another baby, maybe not now, but soon. The only problem is that the situation that I have right now. If I do have another baby I cannot go to finnish school which I am planning to attend this fall. It is very important to know Finnish language if I want to find a job. I want to work someday so I really need to learn the language. It’s a shame that until now I still do not read or write in Finnish. Although I can speak and understand few words, it is still best to learn everything and the only way to learn is to study in school. I have tried many times to study at home by borrowing books from the library, research, use iOS application, or by listening to finnish audiobooks. Nothing works and I cannot understand really well. So I decided that going to school is the best way. The school is 30 minutes away, and you know it’s another story!
Rianna is two which is so hard to believe. We are thankful and blessed for having this little nugget. She is our star. Our days lately is quite interesting and boring sometimes. Having a two year old child at home is fun. She has been singing lately and playing alone. This age is so much fun. She is also interested in coloring books now instead of chewing crayons. We are so happy to have her as our daughter, and for now she will be our little baby. Maybe new baby in five years from now, who knows!


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