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Puerto Princesa Honda Bay Island Tour: Luli Island


Part of our Honda Bay island tour was the Luli island which they called Sink and Rise island. Why they called Sink and Rise? it’s because during high tide the island sinks, and during low tide the island rises. It’s pretty easy to understand the name, right?

This was the second island we visited during the tour. It’s a very small island and can be reach through a boat. It’s a long tiny island. When we’re there part of it already starts to sink, you can see on our photos below. It was also raining hard the time we were there, so we were not able to explore the island so much! All I can say about it is that they are pretty the same with the other islands we’ve visited. Probably the smallest one, but they are the same. The sands are white and the waster was so clear.

Luli Island is actually a short term for “Lulubog – Lilitaw”, which means Sink & Rise, which is what the Island does; at high tide the island disappears and at low tide, it reappears.- source


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