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Cut It Out Wall Sticker / Review

It takes a while before we can decide where to put this pretty wall sticker from Cut It Out which they nicely sent to us for review. My plan was I will put it on Rianna’s little corner in our bedroom near her bed, but before we can install the wall sticker hubby already removed her toddler bed and put it away. We now moved her into her own bedroom which is even bigger than the master’s bedroom. Her room is not yet organized. We are planning to change the wall colour, either we use wallpaper or simply just paint it. It’s currently red and I really want to change it into white or light pink. A perfect color for a little girl’s room. I have so many plans for that room and I cannot wait to start decorating it, but first, we have to fix the wall.

Anyway, we still put the wall sticker on Rianna’s corner in our bedroom. Even though she did not sleep there anymore, I still think she is there, her little place. Who knows another little baby might reside there someday. Below the photo gallery, we put this cute wall sticker from Cut It Out. I choose the design and color. “We made a wish and you came true“. Isn’t it cute? They have many options and you can choose the design and color depends on where you want to put them. They have lovely stickers for the nursery, kids room, kitchen, etc. What we have actually is from the nursery/kids room collection.  I love design and quotes.

To be honest, it was so hard to put the sticker on the wall. It takes a lot of patience and I cannot remember how many times I asked hubby to try it again. I watched the how-to apply video many times, but applying it in actual seems different. Well, it’s worth the effort though. We did it together and it came out great. After our confusion and almost to give up the mood, here is that cute little frame on our bedroom wall sitting nicely there. I love it.

If you are planning to decorate your bedroom and wants some lovely quotes or something nice design on your wall, try to check There is something you might be interested in.

(Product Review post. Again, thank you for supporting sponsors who help make Aka Chymecindy Blog possible.)


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