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52 Moments Introduction

While I did project 52 last year which was “A portrait of my child once a week”, I did it in a different way. I added letters to my baby girl each post which describes our week, what we did and her progress as she is growing up quickly. I love doing it every week. My goal was to compile those letters and photos after the year ends and will make a book out of it. This year I will do the same, not in a letter form but a story. I will call it 52 Moments Project. You can join me in this project if you like. 
The 52 Moments Project will be featured here every Mondays. 

52 MOMENTS / 1

As I write this I am listening to a song “When I Look At You” by Miley Cyrus. She has changed a lot lately, but i still love her songs no matter what, especially the song “The Climb”. I love to listen it over and over again. Songs in general inspired me in so many ways. It makes me alive and helps my mind to work. It makes stress go away. It makes me feel young. It makes me want to write things I shouldn’t write. Things that should only be on my mind, because they are either too much of emotion or they are all just fantasy. Just like this one!
On Saturday I woke up late as usual. This is something I would like to change this year, but having no good sleep at night makes it so hard for my body to get up early. Rianna still having a hard time sleeping at night. Hubby told me we are going to the mall today. It was almost noon, after eating breakfast, get dressed and were ready to go. We went to Jumbo, a big shopping mall in Helsinki. An hour drive from where we live.
I tried to ignore the sales. I love sales and even though we do not always go to the mall, when we did I always ended up buying so many things. Something I want to change. I tried to ignore the pretty shoes I found in Zara. Instead I bought the small bag which I thought I could put my dslr camera there, but it was too small and the camera won’t fit. I also bought a black pair of jeans, I really need it. I really do!
On Sunday we went swimming in Porvoo, a 30 minutes drive. Rianna and I were very excited. As I remove Rianna’s clothes to put on her swimwear she was confused. She didn’t understand what we’re doing in the dressing room. There were other kids. She looked at them and smiled and starts waving her hands. She is always like that. She would say “hei hei” to strangers. It means hello or goodbye in Finnish. We went to shower and finally to the swimming pool. There we met her father who was waiting for us. We went to the kiddy pool first. It’s cute to see Rianna’s face light up as she emerge her body in the warm water. We both needed this. We both need to relax. Just feel the water in our skin, just stay there as long as we want to relax and enjoy. We let her play and enjoy. We then went to the big pool which is deeper and we swam. I love these moments when all three of us having fun together. Like we do not care about every one’s who were around us. We just enjoy, have fun and be us.
After an hour we got tired and hungry. We went to shower and go eat. We went to hubby and I’s favorite pizza place. Rianna enjoyed their beans and corn so much! She do not like to eat the chicken or the meatballs. She just want the beans, pineapple and corn. We went home with stomach full, tired and happy. 

Last night about 10 o’clock I asked Rianna to drink her milk so we can go to bed after. Over the year and months I have tried to put this little one to bed early, but nothing works until I gave up. She will never sleep early. So it was 10, I closed the door lie with her on her big bed and tried to make her sleep. She yawn all the time and I know she was very tired. She went down from the bed, turn on the lights grab his pencils, sit on her table and starts scribbling. I told her many times that it was bed time. She just ignored mama. She opened the door and went to living room where her Dada watch TV. She did it couple of times. One hour has passed and she still awake. This time I tried to ignore her and pretend I am sleeping in her bed. It’s 11, her Dada turned off the TV and lights in the living room and went to our bedroom. The sleepy toddler come in and out from both rooms. I still tried to ignore her and pretend I was sleeping already. She finally gave in and climb up in the bed. She lied down beside me crying. She was very sleepy but do not want to sleep. I feel pity for this child. I cannot read her minds and I do not know how she feels. 
She fell asleep and everything was quiet. I left her and went to our bedroom. Thirty minutes later I heard her cry and scream, so I run to her bedroom to comfort her. She is always like that. She wakes up in the middle of her sleep, scream as if she saw something and she’s scared. I really wish I can read her. She went back to sleep and I went to our bedroom to sleep. It was about 1am.
After reciting prayers and kiss goodnight to hubby, I closed my eyes and sleep. Early morning, a little hands touched me and says “good morning” in her own words. It’s 7am and Rianna tried to wake me up. We had a good sleep last night. We both have good sleep which only happened very seldom. She slept from 1 to 7am. That little progress makes me happy so much! I hope one day she will sleep from 7pm to 7am. 

Below was the scene on Christmas eve! After going to sauna we had a lovely family dinner, followed with the opening of presents. It was such a lovely Christmas eve!

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