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Puerto Princesa Honda Bay Island Tour: Cowrie Island


Part of the Honda Bay island hopping tour we did in Puerto Princesa, Palawan was the Cowrie Island. It was the last island we visited during the whole day island hopping. The first island we went to was the Starfish island. It was sunny-rainy day and it wasn’t good to explore the beaches, but when we arrived this Cowrie island, I have to stay alive and went swimming. We all went swimming. We had at least an hour or so to explore the small island, do snorkeling and swimming. After we all enjoyed and had fun in the water and about to go, the heavy rain came. It was the last stop so it wasn’t that bad at all. Despite the cold rainy-sunny weather that day, our honda bay island tour was great and fun. It was such a lovely and unforgettable experience. 

Cowrie Island is named after the small-to-large sea snail, marine gastropod mollusc called “cowrie.”  The island has a number of cabanas, a pavillion and thatched-roof spa huts, all over looking the sea and creating a beautiful, picturesque scene. Cowrie Island has recently opened to the public as an alternative to the crowded Panden Island, situated nearby. – source

Have you ever been to Palawan, Philippines?


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