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Life Lately: Snow Where Have You Been?

These photos were taken last winter. This year’s winter is quite different from last year. It is middle of December already and we still do not have snow. Well, it snowed last week and the previous week, but the rain came and the snow melted away. We might have dark Christmas this year. We live in the southern part of Finland which is warm compared to the north. I think there is a lot of snow in Northern Finland now, especially in Lapland. Just like you, I also do not like snow that much. But hey, aren’t they pretty? We had always fun snow sledding last year. We can even do it in our own backyard, and my baby girl really loves it very much!
Today is very cloudy and foggy. I woke up at 8am this morning and outside looks like it is 12 midnight. It’s raining and so dark outside. This weather makes me lazy. Just wanted to stay in bed whole morning while listening Christmas songs which is what I am doing right now. Baby girl is still asleep and I do not want to wake her up.
I have been thinking lately what to cook and prepare this Christmas eve. Our Christmas is of course a mixed of a Filipino- Finnish Christmas tradition. I will cook some Filipino foods and hubby will cook some Finnish food. We do have issues in cooking so many foods because we are only three and cooking a lot of foods means a lot of leftovers. I hate throwing away food. So maybe I will only cook what is enough for us. But sometimes having so much food in the table is nice. It’s a feast, right?
Yesterday I finished all the gift wrapping. I am excited for Christmas not because of gifts I might receive, but the reaction of the ones I am giving the presents. My husband is quite picky and I cannot really read his mind on what he really wants or need. He has his own taste of fashion, food, things like that. I am just hoping that he will like my Christmas presents.
That is our life lately. What about you? Do you have snow where you live? What are your plans this Christmas eve?


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