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Breastfeeding Is A Blessing

Although I only breastfeed baby girl until 8 months I am still very proud that I did. Not every mama is capable of breastfeeding their child. Like for example my mother, she has not breastfed any of her kids because she has no milk at all. That is why even though I only breastfeed Rianna for 8 months I feel so blessed already. I tried so hard to be the best mother to her. That is why I’ve tried to do all things a mother should do to their babies even though breastfeeding is a hard task.

However, Rianna isn’t breastfed 100%. It was due to jaundice when she was born that she needs formula supplement to remove her jaundice. I tried so hard to let her suck me by then, but I guess she was not happy with my milk alone. So even after we were out from the hospital and she was cleared from jaundice, we continue to give her formula. She got used to it. My milk isn’t enough for her. She is mixed feed until 8 months. By that time she was 8 months old, her teeth start growing. I was afraid she would bite me but I never stop breastfeeding her. It was she who stop voluntarily. Maybe she’s not happy with my little milk. And besides, it is easier for her to suck in bottles than from me. So maybe that was her reason. She was self-weaned, a very good thing! Eight months was very early though.

If ever I have a new baby I would still definitely try breastfeeding. It’s the best gift you can give to your child. Like I said earlier not everyone can do that if you do then be happy and proud. Breastfeeding is a blessing. It is an act of unconditional love and tender care to our baby. So why not breastfeed if you can? It was one of the bravest things I have ever done. Even though it means it would ruin the appearance of my boobs. I don’t care as long as I am giving what’s best for my baby. I am also happy because I have milk even if it is not enough. If I won’t be able to breastfeed it doesn’t mean I should feel guilty, right? Or feel like a bad mother. Everyone has different thoughts about breastfeeding. Your decision is yours or ours. Anything we think is best for our babies. It’s all up to us, mothers!

Breastfeeding definitely has a lot of benefits for us mothers and to our child. Breast milk is best for babies. And here’s the few advantages we can get from breastfeeding.
– Protect babies from illness, allergies, obesity, etc.
– Protect babies from the risk of SIDS.
– Babies have a higher IQ.
– The uterus of a breastfeeding mother will get back to its normal size quickly.
– Mother’s who breastfeed loss more calories than mothers who didn’t.
– Breastfeeding means saving money from buying expensive formula.
– Breastfeeding helps the mother to lose weight quickly.
– Mother is protected from having a chance of getting cancer.
– It makes the mother and child become closer to each other.


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