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Baby Girl Style: Mid Autumn

Up to bottom: H&M except shoes and scarf

These photos were taken last week. It was sunny day and we walked to the park to play. Sometimes the weather is warm and sunny and she can wear this kind of outfit. It’s already mid autumn, and this is what she usually wear when the sun is up and not so cold. She can wear a coat  with a shirt and tights. Normally even if the autumn just started here, the kids already starts wearing winter suits and coats because it is very cold already. Especially if you stay long outside. However, it varies sometimes. There are times when it’s not so cold and baby girl can wear this kind of outfit even if we stay outside longer. In a daily basis during this season, baby girl doesn’t need much layers when we only ride a car running errands. No winter suit needed yet. But if we walk to the park or play in the backyard her outfit really depends on how cold or warm the temperature is. Weather is so unpredictable here. And in Finland, we expect cold autumn and very freezing winter. That’s just how it is.
How did your kids wear during this cold season?


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