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22 Months

Another baby girl monthly updates. It is so hard to take photos of her now that she’s getting big. She doesn’t want to sit on that big chair anymore. It’s a big challenge for me because I really want to take her monthly photos on that chair at least until she turns two. That’s why I have to try my best. Today I turn on the TV so she is occupied while I snap her photos. She sat there for a few seconds only. I was able to take a few photos. Thank you, baby girl, and sorry! Someday you will understand why mama is doing this.
22 Months Old
October 9, 2013
Baby girl is now 22 months old. This month she had grown a lot. She is very talkative and so lively. Last week I started potty train her. She unfortunately not ready for it I can tell. I tried not to put her diaper on and only her little underwear. It was fine at first. I showed her the toilet and her potty box. And told her what to do. After an hour I just noticed she was wet. So I put her diaper after that. I think she doesn’t understand anything about it yet. However, I still try not to put her diaper on during the morning. And only wear her underwear. We keep trying until she will get used to it and learn.
This month her love of dolls has grown. She never played with her soft dolls before. Lately, she’s been playing with them all the time. Hug and kiss them and hold them when she goes to sleep. It’s so cute to look at.

She has her own big bed but prefers to sleep in our bed. Sometimes I sleep with her on her bed, you know, so that she sleeps there and get used to it. Still, bedtime is hard here. She sleeps late and wakes up late. I guess I just have to accept that she will never sleep early. But I know it can change someday. We just don’t know when. She sleeps through the night. And there are few nights she wakes once or twice too.

Food is not a problem at all. She eats anything. She like bread, chicken, pork, yoghurt, etc. Drink a few glasses of milk a day. Do not like to drink water but I keep trying to encourage to drink. My latest observation is that she loves to eat beans and pineapple.

She learnt a few words and trying to speak. Teaching her ABCs and counting. Quite hard but I am trying my best to teach her. She loves playing her puzzle toys and kitchen. Loves to play hide and seek. Love to dance and sing and also love watching baby stories on the iPad.

She helps us put groceries on the closet or fridge. She knows where to put the trash. And she gets her own spoon from the drawer every time she eats. In short, she understands things and keeps learning. So grateful she grows healthy and good.

Okay, I think that’s all for her 22 months updates. There is nothing much to say, actually!

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