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Walking By The Beach


The truth is that this is already my second time in Boracay island, but still in love with it. The first time i was there was when hubby and i were still dating. It was back in 2010 and you can read the full post here. In three years time there is so much differences happened. The beach is now much crowded with tourists. You cannot enjoy the beach so much as everywhere is full of people. It was really different. Although the beach is still beautiful and super white. We stayed in Boracay for a week. Yes one week! Hoping to relax ourselves and minds. Somehow our little girl was cranky almost every time we’re out. It was sad because hubby and i really wants to enjoy the beach. We are so excited about this trip and really looking forward to enjoy and have fun. Apparently, it is hard to do so if you have a high tantrum toddler. Well, we still manage to handle though. The last few days baby girl was fine and happy. And we were able to enjoy the trip as much as we could.

In our seven days there, few days of it was raining. We wanted to go swimming everyday but the weather isn’t participating with our great plans. There are even days when the water overflowed. I was surprised but they said that the beach is always like that during this season starting june. It was very windy and waves are very strong. Not advisable for swimming. When water is low, the beach is really nice. Perfect place to walk around and enjoy the nice view. The sunset there is really beautiful! Worth the money and time. I love to come back there again, maybe during off peak when tourists are low. So i could enjoy the beach so much!

Dress: gifted from my best friend; Sandal: Zara; Sunglasses: Forever21

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