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Tips for Comfortable Air Travel with Kids

Tips for Comfortable Air Travel with Your Kids

Traveling with young children can be a nightmare if proper preparations are made. They get bored easily, are always hungry and hate to take a nap even when they are exhausted and sleepy. It can be a grueling task for a parent, especially if they are flying alone with the kids. Here are a few tips to make that trip a little less hellish.

Tips for Comfortable Air Travel with Kids

1. Be prepared and plan well in advance

Most of the time children are cranky and irritated because they are bored, hungry or tired. Always remember to pack a lot of toys, enough food and allow your children a good chance to sleep during the flight. If your child usually sleeps with a certain toy or blanket at home, you may want to consider caring this around or they may refuse to sleep and that will simply increase their irritation. If your child is less than a year old, you could pre-book a bassinet for them. They will love having their own bed during the flight. If you are an international traveler ensure that you visit the ESTA website to check on your VISA and ensure you are eligible to travel to the USA. The ESTA application only accepts major credit cards so make sure you have one at hand and a valid passport.

2. Communicate properly

Consider letting your children know where you’re going, why you’re going there and how long they may have to be in the air. This gives them a chance to know exactly what to expect. Try to explain in detail the experience of flying in form the checking in moment, to disembarking. Depending on their age, you may also want to explain any potential problems and how they should be handled. Try to get them as excited as you can without creating unrealistic expectations. Talk to them during the flight to keep them comfortable and aware. Also check-in frequently during the flight to find out what they are feeling or need.

3. Start early

Do not delay traveling with your children because you are scared of the other flyers glaring stares. It will only make it more difficult you them when you finally take the step as they will not know what to do. Start their training as early as possible. Also train your kids to be respectful and mannered. This will come in handy when you have to be stern to stop bad behavior on the flight.

4. Pack other helpful accessories

Apart from food and toys; consider packing other essentials such as wet wipes, large zip lock bags, extra formula, medications and supplies and an extra outfit or two. Juice or milk during takeoff or landing will reduce the discomfort caused by the rapid changes in air pressure. Nursing or gummy worms for little kids are also an excellent alternative. You could also consider contacting your airline to ask if they offer assistance such as motorized carts when boarding or exiting the plane. Sometimes this assistance may not be available but it will not cost you to ask. This may make the difference between boarding that connecting flight or not. Whatever, the case, always makes sure that your children are comfortable and happy and your flight will be less that disastrous.

Author Bio:Annie Bonneville is a Passionate blogger. She writes on behalf of ESTA. She loves to write as a guest blogger with interest in Travel and Business.

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