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Those Moments…

Those Moments When…
You misses your friend, a best friend and a sister so badly…
They said that your sister is the first friend you will ever have the first day you were born. Sisters are sisters and they will always be friends no matter what. I only have one sister and she is five years younger than me. She is the one i considered my best friend. Although i have few best friends i considered since young, my friendship to my sister is a little bit different and special. For me she is the person that is so special to me. The second important woman in my life besides my mother. She is my best friend and i love being her older sister. I felt so blessed to have a sister like her. We are like twins and i love how we treated each other as sisters. We may not talk often lately due to distance but she is always in my heart and i know i am to her.
The best thing about having a sister is that you will always have someone to talk to. Especially in terms of girl talks, style, music, movies, likes, and dislikes,,, and etc. Your sister is always there for you when you need help. Always there to give you honest advices when you need it. Always there to support you whatever plans you have. A sister is someone who will always look up at her sister. Someone who always be there every time a sister needs her.
I love having a little sister. And although she is five years younger i feel like we are only at same age. Well, you know girls mature and when they reach at some age, they all mature and act like a real woman. Sometimes she even acted older than me at some point. We grow up together and i really miss those moments when we were together. Those funny times and fighting time. We both grew up in a countryside full of memories. Those memories will always be in heart forever. I am so proud to say that we are closer than ever and our relationship as sisters is very special. I love to be with her all the time. But i know things are different now. We live in two different countries, very far from each other. Those moments when i miss her so badly and that the only way i could see her is through live chat. More thanks to the high technology modern world that when you miss someone all you need to do is call or message them whenever you want. I do hope one day we can be together again. Maybe she come here or i will come there.

Once a sisters, always a sisters. I miss you dear sistah. Hope to see you soon and take care always. I love you and i miss you!


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