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Photograph+Words # 244 To #258… (And Some Thoughts About This Project)

“It’s amazing how a person who was once just a stranger,
 can suddenly mean the world to you.”

I have a confession to make. This said daily photo and quotes project have been a hard task for me to do lately. I know how exciting this one when i was just started this project. My aim is first to improve my photography skills at the same time inspires each one of you by the quotes i wrote on each pictures. This should be a daily project, but it seems became a weekly project few months later. I cannot take any single photo each day. Maybe i can, but too lazy to do it. Every weekend comes i feel worried and stress because i have nothing to post for the whole week. I posted this project on the blog every Sunday if you notice that. I should take photo everyday. Its just that recently, i take photos every week or only few times a week and not daily. I really felt bad about it to be honest. I really want to finish this project. 
Maybe i am just lucking of interests or inspirations. Or maybe i am just dragged away by the busy life or rather boring life that makes all my creativity go away. It terms of photography, i may improve a little. But not enough to satisfy myself that i am a good photographer of any sort. I take pictures on manual mode. Sometimes it turns our well, sometimes it turns as bad as you could not imagined. I just hope that my courage to take photo daily will come back and continue as it has to be. This project really is important to me. At the end of the year, i plan to make a book out of this project. You know my goal is really simple and easy. Why can’t i do it? I should work hard on it and prove to myself that i can do it. I am not a Gemini who always starts things and never finish it. I want to prove it to myself. From this moment on, i have to remind myself to just do it. Do it as possible as i can. Otherwise, i will become a loser. And it’s only my fault and because of me if i ever fail. Motivation is what i need. And courage and patience are things that i should always have too. 
Do you like this project? Do you think the photo and quotes inspires you in a day to day life? I need some thoughts and encouragement and i really care about my readers thoughts and feelings. So please tell me! xo,

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