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Baby Style: Black And White Stripes With Denim


Shirt: H&M; Skirt: Next; Shoes; Zara; Socks: H&M

It’s first week of September and even though the leaves has started falling down from the trees the weather is still warm. Not as warm as summer, but 18’c still good enough not to wear jackets. On Sunday afternoon baby girl and i went to the park together. This park isn’t far from the house where we live. It is just about five minutes walk. We walked and didn’t bring stroller. This is mama’s and baby girl’s favorite thing to do. To walk to the park. Rianna was so pleased walking on her own feet. I am happy that she is so willing to walk without any stroller. We really love this summer’s activity. In fact, she’s smiling while walking. And sometimes teasing me she would go to the main road. It is a little bit scary but i make sure to be very careful of course!
In a few weeks the weather might getting colder as the Autumn has started soon. And maybe we cannot go to the park as easy as we used to be.

Baby girl was wearing long sleeve black and white shirt. It is so comfortable and even though it is long sleeve it doesn’t feel too hot as it is made of cotton. So perfect for a weather like this. It’s not always she’s wearing a girly girl outfit that’s why this time i am trying to put her a denim skirt on. And also a cute sandals. I bought this sandals in July and it seems that she cannot wear it in the next summer. Toddler’s feet grow fast. So i want her to wear it now while it still fit. This is a sad thing about having different weather. Each new season comes, we also have new clothes and shoes especially for the growing kids who’s sizes always change.

She’s as free as a bird. Walking around the park, trying all the toys/equipments. She would go to the swing, and then walk to the sand and play and then move to the other. So nice to see her happy. And when we’re walking on the street, she would run and then laugh, then walk and then run again. I love this happy moments we shared together.

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