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Two Years Of Being Married

Today hubby and I celebrate our second year wedding anniversary. It’s hard to believe that I’ve been married for two years. Well, I feel lucky because marrying the love of my life is one of the great decision I’ve ever made. There are so many ups and downs in our marriage life, but the two of us are doing so well to make all things work. I’ve learned so many lessons from the past two years. And I also realized that it is not all about love, it is also more on patience, understanding, sharing, giving, compromises and most importantly trust. When you’re single all you think about is yourself. But when you’re married family always comes first. Yourself will always be the last priority.
Being married to someone with different culture isn’t easy. But I did my very best to widen up my mind to understand the differences we have and be more patience. Sure marriage is difficult especially if husband and wife has different beliefs. It’s not a hindrance to us though. I can continue with my own religion and hubby continue to his own. The most important thing is we both believe in the same God. No matter what religion we are in.
If you asked if we’ve quarreled the past two years, sure we did. Like a countless times, of course! But quarreling never made us broke the marriage. We are two different people, coming from two different world. We have different ways to get angry. But we don’t allow hatred to ruin us. We are strong. And we love living together as a couple of God. We love each other more than we love ourselves. We’re trying our best to make this marriage work because somehow in the eyes of God we are one. The husband witnessed several bad moods i have and those crazy moments i did to make him angry unintentionally. But instead of judging me he was just there understanding my bad mood swings. Being patient and loving. I always make peace right after i feel better (sorry my love!) There were also moments when he made me upset and like he did i don’t judge him, but understand him instead. 

We were married for two years and have been blessed of a having a healthy baby girl. I don’t think i still want to ask for more. I love my little family and being married for two years now made me love life even better. Even though, i feel sad sometimes of being away from home, looking at my love ones faces made me realized how lucky i am to have them. I should be very grateful for having them in my life. 

Last year we celebrated our first anniversary at home. I cooked foods and bake cake. We had a lovely family dinner with our little family.

(photo taken in June)
This year 2013, we will celebrate our second anniversary in Philippines. Exploring the paradise islands and just have fun.P.S. Hey husband, i love you! Always remember that! Being married with you is the greatest thing happened in my life. I love you tenderly. Thank you for loving me too. Happy 2nd anniversary to us!

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