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No More Baby

There are several times I wanted to convinced myself if I want another baby we need to have it very soon. Lets face it I’m on my 30s and hubby is not getting any younger. When is the best time to have a baby is of course the sooner…. the better! I want big family. I want Rianna to have playmate/s and someone she can consider sister or brother. And if we want another baby we need to have it while Rianna is still little so they have closer age gap. And they can play together all the time.

But then I realized that having another baby doesn’t make life easier. Baby is a blessing I know, but taking care isn’t easy. It’s very hard and it takes a lot of patience. Not to mention its very expensive. I need to consider so many things. Having another baby soon means I need to stay home for another years. Which is I’m not going to consider at this time. I’ve been staying home being jobless for almost three years, and even though I love being with my child all the time it is also good to be away sometimes. Hubby and I already talk about me going to school next fall. It is very nice to start a new thing, however that plan is not going to happen unless we have a nanny or someone who can bring Rianna to day care every time hubby goes to work at 6am while me going to school. He can watch baby girl when he is not at work, that’s not a problem. But he need to go to work on his day shift at least 6:30am and that’s too early. Day care school is still close. Well, I can bring her there before I go to school but I have to walk and it’s not near. I think I can do it though, if I really want to.

See how difficult it is. That is why I realized that having a new baby is not a good idea at this very moment. I want to study Finnish language first. Find a job and then maybe having another baby. I want to be able to earn my own income and help pay the family expense. Money is so tight recently and I really hope I have a job to supplement our family needs.

Another reason is that having a new baby means we cannot travel anytime we want. Traveling with little ones is difficult. Based on my experience, traveling is not easy if you have little one with you. One is hard how much more if you have two, three or more? Well, it’s only on my opinion. Everyone of us are different.

P.S. Baby girl’s photos from last year.

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