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I Know Baby Shouldn’t Play iPad

I know it is not good for babies to play things like cellphone or an iPad, but this kid always wants to play those. I installed several applications there especially for her like ABC songs, nursery rhymes, baby stories, etc. I let her play the iPad sometimes, but always tried to say no every time she asks. There are just times that the only way she would stop messing around or stop moving is giving her an iPad or let her watch tv. She still too young for those things, but like I said, it’s better so she will behave and I can do important chores while she’s busy. I let her play for few minutes and then I hide it.

Kids now a days are too smart in exploring high technology things. Like this kid, she already know how to play and stop the application on iPad. It’s funny that her favorite is the “old Mcdonald“. She is not tired watching it over and over again. Her tiny fingers are just too cute swiping it on the screen. Ahhh kiddos! I tried to teach her ABCs and numbers, but I think she is still too young for that. So for now, she can just watch the baby stories like Cinderella or Tinkerbelle. And lately, she knows how to play the puzzles too. 

Did you let your kids play things like iPhone, iPad or even watch tv? Any toddler applications you can recommend?

She’s wearing: H&M Top and Trouser

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