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20 Months

Another late monthly updates of my baby girl. Well, better late than never, right? This girl has getting so big lately. It is true that parents would always ask themselves where there baby goes, or where the time goes. She is twenty months old and few more months she will turn  two years old. I cannot believe how time flies too fast. She is with us for more than twenty months now. She helps me grow mature and become a responsible person. This baby girl whom i love so much gives me so much inspiration to live life to the fullest. She is my angel as well.
At twenty months, she have learnt so many things already. Eating alone with her hands or with the use of the spoon. At first i thought it was hard to teach her how to use a spoon, but then one day i just saw her use a spoon perfectly. She is very smart girl. She also know how to drink water in a normal glass.  When we arrived from the trip she doesn’t recognize her sippy cups anymore. From that time she use normal glass when drinking water or milk. She is really so grown up and very smart. Sometimes hubby and i would ask each other, is that normal for a one year old? I do not say she is advance but i can tell she is very smart little kid. She understands everything. She can point things. She can put her feet on her shoes, things like that. The only thing i am sure she is late is learning to speak. But i know it is normal for a child in a multilingual family to learn to speak a little late. But soon she will learn eventually. We will just be surprise for sure when she started talking!
I am a hundred percent sure that she is left-handed. The way she eat and the way she holds a pencil. I have not teach her to a coloring book yet, but i am planning to do it very soon. The reason is that i feel like it is not safe for her to hold crayons as she would put it in her mouth right away. She bite all things she is holding and it worries me a lot. That is the reason why i didn’t let her hold crayons or chalk yet.
There are a few games on the iPad that hard to believe she knows how to play at. How can a one year old child knows how to play fruit ninja on iPad? She is very good at solving puzzles and starts learning to sing ABC as well. One bad thing about her is that she’s so excited every time we turn on the TV. She would then run to the living room and sit in front of the television . She must be a TV addict. I have to minimize her TV time for her own sake. I don’t want her to have that bad habit.
Another thing is that her hair has grown so fast now. But still she do not want me to tie it. I really want to put ribbon on her hair but she didn’t like it. So if you see her photos with messy hair it’s her choice hehehe…. Seriously, i want to make her a doll. But she don’t like it. Well, she is still young. And who knows someday she will be the one to ask me to tie her hair or put a ribbon or nice headbands on it.  Anyway, that hair in her forehead grows very slowly :). Also have you notice how light her hair now? She is a brunette hhehehe….
She also grown a lot now. Much taller than what she has been. I think she will be a tall girl when she’s grown up. Long feet and long legs. We will see. For now i will just enjoy being with her and let her grow slowly and explore things slowly. I love her ver much!


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